Deborah Shaw

Hi! My name is Debbie Shaw. I serve as the Southeast Area Director of Strategic Advancement.

Each challenge I face reminds me afresh that the Bible sustains the human soul just as food sustains our bodies. It breaks my heart that there are brothers and sisters in Christ still hungering to hear their first words of comfort and guidance from Scripture in their heart language. That’s why I was thrilled to participate several years ago in Wycliffe Associates’ translation projects in Africa (through a short-term English tutoring trip and then online tutoring). The Tanzanian pastors and teachers had such a humble spirit as they labored to translate the Bible for their tribes, and I was shocked to hear them express the assumption that English is the language of Heaven. Every person needs to know that God speaks their language!

Now I have the blessing of being involved right here in the United States. I connect with local churches and create partnerships for Church Owned Bible Translation. Together we’ll meet this basic spiritual need for the 150+ languages in North America still waiting for a translation of God’s Word.

Please help us provide the Word of God for those who have been waiting so long! I invite you to participate in this mission by investing your prayers and support.