DRC Advance


Christians praying for God’s Word!

Families living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are sadly all too familiar with going without food and water and safety. Poverty, violence, and evil superstitions have choked this country for generations.

Yet Christians here are refusing to let the physical and spiritual challenges dry up their hope to have God’s Word translated into their heart language. Because they know what YOU already know . . .

That God’s Word brings love, joy, and eternal peace!

An End to Violence

The Scriptures are the only hope for the Congolese.

God’s Word can shine light in this darkness. We have witnessed it . . .

When a Bible translation workshop brought together members of warring tribes, some of the national translators could hardly look at each other on the first day. Their people had been engaged in vicious hostilities for decades.

Yet by the end of that workshop, those same national translators were praying together and pleading for God to bring His Word to their sin-ravaged country!

YOU can make this miracle happen!

A NEW KIND of Opportunity

Right now, we’re thrilled to see local churches in the DRC take the reins. They are organizing Bible translation teams who are willing to risk their very lives—if that’s what it takes—to share God’s Word with their people.

The only thing they need is the tools. The technology. The training. They need the computer laptops. The software. They need the resources that will enable them to do the work.

This is why we are asking for your help.

YOU can Provide the Tools for PEACE!

It costs $19,500 to launch a New Testament translation.

Will you give your best gift, right now, to help meet this need so that God’s Word brings love, joy, and peace?